We offer the possibility of conducting theoretical and experimental research for industry in the field of civil engineering and acoustics. Calculations and expert opinions are carried out under the supervision of experienced and qualified staff.
We perform:
1. engineering calculations, including static and dynamic analisys and dimensioning of various structural systems, including:
- wooden structures,
- steel structures,
- reinforced concrete structures;
2. expert opinions on engineering structures, including:
- testing of tall steel structures;
- testing block foundations subjected to dynamic loads;
- testing the dynamic impact of machines and devices on structures;
- research on the impact of road traffic on structures;
- modal structure identification;
3. expert opinions on acoustics, including:
- noise testing from machines and devices;
- traffic noise testing.
All expert opinions are based on:
1. Brüel&Kjar's PULSETM system in a portable version for vibration and sound analysis, including:
- measuring apparatus:
- measuring cassette - type 2827, with modules - type 3109 and 7533,
- four three-axis inertial accelerometers - type 4399,
- laser vibrometer - type 8329 (VH 300+),
- two microphones - type 2669,
- sound intensity probe - type 3599;
- software:
- 7700A program for vibration and sound analysis.
2. professional MES software, including:
- full professional version of the Robot Millennium computing system by RoboBat,
- Konstruktor software by Intersoft.
DSc Eng. Łukasz Domagalski - e-mail: lukasz.domagalski@p.lodz.pl
PhD Eng. Michał Gajdzicki - e-mail: michal.gajdzicki@p.lodz.pl
PhD Eng. Łukasz Supeł - e-mail: lukasz.supel@p.lodz.pl
prof. DSc Eng. Jarosław Jędrysiak – Head of the Department, e-mail: jaroslaw.jedrysiak@p.lodz.pl