Courses in the Departement of Structural Mechanics
Civil Engineering - Ist degree studies
- Information technologies I
- Information technologies II
- Theoretical mechanics I
- Theoretical mechanics II
- Strength of materials I
- Strength of materials II
- Building mechanics I
- Building mechanics II
- Finite element method basis
- Dynamics and vibrations
- Steel structures I
- Steel structures II
- Summative project
- Interdisciplinary team project - PBL
- Summary of steel structure issues
- Summary of building mechanics issues
Civil Engineering - 2nd degree studies
- Structural mechanics I
- Structural mechanics II
- Advanced steel structures I
- Advanced steel structures II
- Theory of elasticity and plasticity
- Basics of BIM
- Structural reliability
- BIM project
- Finite element method
- Optymization and parametric design
- Computer programming in civil engineering